Minor Surgery

Minor Surgery
Doctors / Nursing Staff specialising in this area:

Dr. Eoin Spillane


Dr Eoin Spillane graduated from Royal College of Surgeons in 1997. He joined the Carlton Clinic in 2008. He has special interest in dermatology and men's health, particularly sexual health / STI screenings. Dr Spillane also manages a weekly Minor Surgery clinic removing skin lesions such as moles, warts, skin cysts and lumps, and ingrown toenails. Cryotherapy treatment for warts, verrucas and sun damaged skin is also offered.

Qualifications: MB, BCh, BAO, LRCP & SI, AFRCSI, MRCGP, DPD.

We provide a comprehensive range of minor surgical procedures at Carlton Clinic led by Dr. Eoin Spillane.

Dr Spillane is an accredited member of the Primary Care Surgical Association and he carries out surgical procedures every week. The cost of most surgical procedures is often settled by patients’ health insurer.

We offer fast and cost efficient access to many procedures including:

• Mole & Skin Cancer Biopsy and Removal
• Skin Tag Removal
• Ingrown Toe Nail Removal or Wedge Resection
• Sebaceous Cyst Removal
• Cryotherapy (Freezing) of Warts & Verruca
• Joint Injections

All surgery requires a pre-surgical assessment appointment.

To enquire about minor surgery, you can contact our reception at (01) 286 0568.