Doctors Services
New Registration Fee (Adult)
New Registration Fee (Child)
Consultation (13 Years and Up) (Private)
Face To Face Consultation (With Bloods) (Private)
Child Consultation (12 Years And Under) (Private)
Review Consultation Fee (Private)
€50 (within 14 days about same issue)
Telephone Consultation (Private)
Repeat Prescription Charges (Private)
Roaccutane (First Appointment) (With Dr Spillane)
Roaccutane (Follow-Up Appointment) (With Dr Spillane)
Skin Consultation (with either Dr Spillane or Dr Piercy)
Minor Surgery
To be decided by doctor following initial consultation.
Cryotherapy (Private)
Migraine Consultation (With Dr Owens)
Wellman Full Medical (Includes Bloods & Consultation)
Sexual Health Screenings (Men and Women)
Driving Licence Medical (Aged 75 And Over) (Group One)
Driving Licence Medical (Group Two)
Adoption Medical
Fostering Medical
Sports Medical (Please note: we do not offer Scuba Medicals)
Nursing Services
Nurse Consultation (Private)
Blood Test (GMS / Medical Card)
Blood Test (Private)
Ear Syringing (Private)
ECG (Private)
Sutures (Private)
Dressings (Private)
€40 for first dressing, €30 for subsequent dressings
24 Hour BP / Holter Monitor (Private)
Vaccinations (Flu, Pneumonia, Hep A &B, Men B, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough, Shingles)
Please call and ask for price prior to making appointment.
Women’s Health
Smear Test with HPV (Private)
Mirena Insertion and Removal (Private)
Mirena Insertion (Private)
Mirena Removal (Private)
Implanon Insertion and Removal (Private)
Implanon Insertion (Private)
Implanon Removal (Private)
Legal Fees (payable by solicitor)
First Legal Medical Report
Subsequent Medical Reports (within a year)
Legal Medical Notes